Saturday, July 2, 2011

So here is our garden now, you should look back to our last post to compare pictures. It's crazy to see how much things have grown!

Our Tomatoes have really taken off!

We have a lot of blossoms on all our tomato plants.
I'm so excited!

This is our grape tomatoes

Zucchini has taken over this part of our garden,

I can't even use my stepping planks anymore.

These are out sunflowers that are sky-rocketing!

Red Onion

It's hard to see in this picture, but there are blossoms on these as well

Our other cucumber plant

These are our bell pepper and jalapeno plants.

These are most special to me because they are the ones that I started from seed!

Romaine Lettuce.

I have had a few harvests from these already and have had some most enjoyable salads!


  1. Good job! That's awesome! Can't wait to taste all the yummy stuff you've grown :)

  2. oh...your garden looks delicious! :)

  3. some body taken over my green thumb, good job
