Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Official Utah-ians!

My dad gave my car to Jordan and I as cool gift! We were having to get the car registered in Utah and this is the before.
To get he car registered here we had to get the states safety and emissions test. I have to admit, that when I was living at home my Dad REALLY, took care of my mom, sister and I. He handled most of the car stuff; and I was very grateful for his love and care!
So when I went back to pick up my car I was in shock. The lady on the other side of the counter handed me a piece of paper with the huges letters stating "REFUSED!" What?...Why?
The lady told me "your windows"
When I was in California for two Christmas ago my sister and I traded cars for the winter. While she had my car in San Diego, I guess she didn't feel cool enough in my car as is, so she decided to get my car windows tinted. To be honest I was excited that she did, it has been nice. I really like it when we switched our cars back!
So now you probably know what the problem was. To understand you have to know that the tints on windows can range in different percentages. I guess that California allows a higher percentages of tint on your front windows than Utah does. so this picture shows my car and the differences between the front window and the back window. now I look more un-cool driving in my car than I was before the tints! Thanks Becca, Love you!


  1. it still looks good..i had the same problem with my car when my dad gave it to jason and i..it was a sad day for me when i had to take my california license plates off and put on utah ones...and turn in my california driver's license for a utah one :( but i'm kinda over it now..4 years later lol
