Sunday, September 13, 2009

Zucchini, Zucchini, Zucchini

So this summer we haven't been too successful with our garden except for one plant.
Our zucchini plant!
It's huge

We have actually had about four large zucchini, but I forgot to take a picture
before I cooked them.
This is the latest one we harvest.
I just recently made zucchini bread.
I didn't take a picture because it didn't visually look good, but it did taste great!
This past week I had a idea to try frying them. they turned out better then I thought.
I didn't have bread crumbs so I made some
bread crumbs from hamburger buns and Parmesan cheese
and fried them in vegetable oil.


  1. How fun and delicious! Gardens are hard to keep up but so fun to go in your back yard and find FOOD! Good JOB!

  2. I love zucchini!!! So glad that it is producing lots for you! Those fried zucchini look amazing!!!

  3. Yum! I love anything They look delicious! I'll have to get the zucchini bread recipe from you..That's my fav!
