Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Ok...I've done it! I thought that I would just make one huge post after the semester ended and I had for free time to post, but I've been too excited to share with you my accomplishments!
This post is on awards and my BFA show, to come is Moving and Graduation.
So, As you probably have known by now I was awarded the outstanding student in the painting and drawing area of the visual arts and communications degree for the 2009-2010 year.
All the fine arts teachers were to pick out their choices for the award and I heard it was unanimous; when your at school for as long as I am you begin to make great freinds and show hard work. It was a great feeling to know that my actions were noticed, I actually started crying in the deans office when I got the message. A teacher once told me that I needed to change my address to the school's painting room address.

This was the program from the awards banquet. I'm on the bottom left.

Close-up of the program. Bad picture of me!

A a graduate for the BFA (Bachelors of Fine Arts program, with the emphasis in Painting and Drawing) you must complete an Art show based on the senior work. I was to pick one fine art teacher to lead and guide me through the year as I constructed a series of 10-20 peices of work. A lot of time, stress, money, andtears went into this and it has been such a relief to have completed it. To make the saticfaction greater, I also won the jurors award for second place and a cash prize of $150!
This one of the flyers passed out for advertisement from the museum.

These few photos are of me in the process of hanging my work. Not as easy as you might think; a lot of equastions and code regulations.

Every artist has a "Artist Statement" to tell the purpose, background, and concepts of the series. This is mine that was hanging on the wall next to my show.
"I build paintings. My paintings feel solid and built. The physical compositional configuration is the structural field on which sediments of paint and material are massed, initiating the growth of each piece. It is the vitality of growth and decay within each structure and the energies inherent in these processes that I try to embrace in my work.
Texture is the foremost component in my paintings. In performance with raw materials as my instrument I shape and manipulate to make a rustic sound. I paint layer upon layer with harsh movement, jagged edges, and bold colors; it is like geological strata with cracks and discordance. It represents the movement and lines of the earth, all the way down through the painting to the sturdy wood support. But each new layer, however furious, is always infected and colored by the underlying one. Nothing is ever used right from the tube or exactly how I found it. What I have done is a rather coarse and abstract but it will smell of the earth
. "

Next to my artist statement and work I got to have a Latrene with artifacts and inspirational nik-naks for the process of my art work.

My bestest art friend, Anna.

More besties!

I'm really sorry about the long length of this post, I tried keeping as short as possible!


  1. Yeah Michelle! You are an amazing artist and deserve all the awards you get!! Ariana's friend came over the other day and they were painting. Her friend was talking about being an artist and Ariana says, "My Aunt Michelle is an artist. She has big pictures hanging is a big room. I went and saw them!" I thought it was so cute that Ari remembered going and was so proud of her Aunt! We are all proud of you Michelle!!

  2. So... What happens to these pieces now? Or are they still on display... Cuz yeah, I think I would really love to buy one... <3 Amy...

  3. Michelle youa re an amazing artist!! Congrats on everything you deserve it!!
