Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

Our Easter this year was GREAT!!! We had a lot of fun with the Beck, Platt, and Basua family.

Before I go any further I have to say how much we missed my family; and having a holiday like this reminds me how much I miss having them around!

This year my parents sent us some Easter goodies!!! Thank you Mom and Dad!!! We love you too!!

After enjoying our gifts from Mitchell parents, we did our first Easter egg dying!

That Saturday afternoon we had an amazing lunch and had a big Easter egg hunt with the kids! so much fun!

Jordan and baby Tori

One big tradition in the Basua/Beck family is Confetti Eggs. Since the beginning of the year we saved all the egg shells from every egg meal we had. All together we probably had about 500 eggs! We dyed the eggs and filled them with confetti and flour. Saturday was too rainy so we did confetti eggs Sunday afternoon.

Here's how it went...

It was so much fun! We looked so good afterwards with all our white hair! JK

Jordan and I helped with dinner later. This is how Jordan helps!

One great thing about hanging with Jordan's family is that they are big into playing sports and games. Everyone gets involved and we all have an awesome time!